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Purify water from any source with Logwater Truck

The Logwater Truck system makes fresh water potable regardless of turbidity, purifies brackish water, and desalinates seawater.

Water for Vital or Essential Consumption

Potable water produced by the Logwater Truck system is intended to meet vital or essential consumption needs to preserve human life and health. Its rational use involves not using it for other purposes (cleaning, garden watering, car washing, agriculture, etc.).

Quality of WHO

Compliance with WHO Standards

The water produced by the Logwater Truck meets the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). Analyses conducted in various countries confirm that our water adheres to international standards, even in diverse situations.

World Health Organization

Guaranteed quality, worldwide!

Potable Water in 5 Minutes

Logwater Truck is a highly technical solution with such a high level of efficiency that from the first pumping of the liquid from the untreated source and its subsequent transit through the entire purification system to the final phase, it only takes 5 minutes to make it potable and deliver it ready to drink with ease.

Innovating Global Water Solutions



Water Purification & Desalination



The LOGWATER TRUCK presents several advantages for its users

Faced with the lack of drinking water after disasters or attacks, and the high costs and risks linked to supply, we offer innovative solutions. Our technologies make it possible to treat natural water to guarantee global access to drinking water. Access to drinking water for everyone, everywhere!

We source our water from pristine springs and aquifers.

Enjoy hassle-free delivery options tailored to your schedule.

We prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our operations.

Our dedicated team is here to provide personalized service.


Purification capacity per day from any water source


Setup time for immediate water purification

Logwater Truck: Pure Perfection in Every Drop

Lack access to safe drinking wate
Die daily from water-related diseases
Million Hours
Spent carrying water daily
Will lack water by 2030

Delivering Hope and Clean Water

The Global Water Crisis

LOGWATER trucks provide clean drinking water to areas with severe water scarcity and contamination. These vehicles are essential in disaster relief and regions with poor water infrastructure, ensuring safe water access and reducing health risks

2.2 Billion People Lack Clean Water

Every day, 2.2 billion people do not have access to clean, safe drinking water. Immediate action is needed to address this critical shortage and ensure water security for all.

Protecting Our Children

Every day, 1,000 children under 5 die from diseases caused by dirty water and poor sanitation. Clean water access is crucial to saving lives and ensuring a healthier future for all children.

The Water Burden on Women and Girls

Women and girls spend 200 million hours daily fetching water, impacting education and health.

700 Million People Will Have No Water by 2030

By 2030, 700 million people will have no access to water at all. This represents 25% of the world’s population, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable water solutions.

LogWater Mission

Bringing Water Solutions

Enhancing Access, Improving Health, and Promoting Hygiene

Achieving UN‘s WASH Goals: Clean water, Sanitation, Hygiene

Increase drinkable watersources

Enhanced water sources decrease diarrhea morbidity by 21%. Enhancing drinking water quality, including disinfection at the point of use, could result in a 45% reduction in diarrhea cases. 2.2 billion people lack safe drinking water, and among them, 771 million people cannot access even basic drinking water services. (World Bank 2023)

Healthy Sanitation

Sanitation and hygiene are crucial for health, survival, and development. Many nations struggle to provide sufficient sanitation facilities for their entire populations, exposing people to diseases related to water, sanitation, and hygiene. 3.5 billion people still lacked safely managed sanitation, including 419 million who practiced open defecation. (WHO/UNICEF 2023)

Offer better Hygiene everywhere

Hygiene encompasses regular handwashing, face washing, and bathing with soap and water, promoting cleanliness and good health. Limited access to clean water and soap complicates personal hygiene in many parts of the world, increasing the risk of spreading diseases through improper hygiene practices. Better water and hygiene could prevent some 400,000 deaths a year from diarrhoeal diseases among children aged under 5 years. (WHO/UNICEF 2023)2.2 billion people lack safe drinking water, and among them, 771 million people cannot access even basic drinking water services. (World Bank 2023)